Welcome to

Tai Ming Gong Center

This is the first stop on your journey in learning more about traditional Chinese Culture, Martial Arts, Chinese Language, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Philosophy, etc.

Our classes and services

Chinese Martial Arts Classes: Wushu Kungfu:

Online and in-person classes to learn Traditional and Modern Chinese Martial Arts such as Xingyi Quan, Taiji Quan, Chang Quan, Nan Quan, etc.

Health Qigong Courses

Online and in-person classes to learn classic Qigong routines such as "Ba Duan Jin" and Qigong routines specific to each season of the year.

Translation Services

Translation services are available for a wide variety of documents and interpretations. We work with Chinese, Spanish, and English. Request your quote here.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

Lao Tse/ 老子


If you would like to know more about us, our history, founders, masters, teamwork, and our services, please contact us.